No of Temples: Main 2 Kothis (19 Temples in Terahpanthi Kothi and 35 Vedis in Bispanthi Kothi)., Pahaad / Mountain: No., Historical importance: The kshetra has witnessed all the five Kalyanaks of Lord Vasupujya. Special Information: In Terahpanthi as well as Bispanthi five offices are placed besides there is a big nice temple in Bhagalpur Kotwali Dharmshala.Tirth Lodging Facilities:Rooms:- yesHall:- yesGuest House:-Ground For Tent:-Mess:- yesStraight Root:- TrainNearest City:-Bhagalpur: 4 km., Purnia:110 km., Patna:230 km.
City : Bhagalpur