No of Temples: 01, Pahaad/Mountain: Yes, Historical Importance: Hearsay than an old milkman got a massage by miraculous idol about its position and where to be carved message also warned not to turn back while carving the idol. But the Milkman in actual turned back, so the idol has to be established at the present place near a spring. Pure and transparent fast water continuously flows through Gomukh. It is place of high belief for all caste people. Annual Fair: On each full Moon day Guru-Poornima is especially celebrated by all caste people.Rooms:- yesHall:- yesGuest House:- yesGround For Tent:-Mess:- yesStraight Root:- Chundawara-Modar-Bichiwara National State road no.08Nearest City:-Bichiwara: 10km, Dungarpur: 35km, Ahmedabad: 150km.
City : Dungarpur
City : Dungarpur
City : Dungarpur
City : Dungarpur