Shri Digambar Jain Prachin Bada Mandir, Tirthkshetra Committee, Hastinapur, Uttar Pradesh (Kalyanak Kshetra)

Mulnayak :
Address : Hastinapur Tal:-Mawana Dist:-Meerut

About Temple

Name: Shri Digambar Jain Prachin Bada Mandir, Tirthkshetra Committee, Hastinapur, Uttar Pradesh (Kalyanak Kshetra)

Near Railway : Meerut: 38km.

Bus : Hastinapur

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No of Temples: 15 Temples in Badamandir premises, 75 in model of mountain Kailash. Pahaad/Mountain: Yes, 2100 steps, 131 feet tall model of the mountain Kailash. Historical Importance: A bhill (a tribal) caused nuisance using fire to a king namely Gurudatta who was performing austerity on the mountain Dronmati. He attained omniscience here. The place has witnessed first Aahar (meal of sugarcane) of Lord Aadinathjee given by king Shreyas, the incidence continued as Akshaytritiya. Also the nuisance to 700 Munis along with Akampanachary was resolved by Muni Vishnukumar here itself, the incidence continued as Raksha Bandhan. It is the holy place which witnessed Grbh, Janm, Tapa and Gyan kalyanak of Lord Shantinathjee, Kunthunathji, and Arahnathji. There are foot carving of all above three Tirthankars at their respective places of Kalyanaks. The Kshetra is also visited by Samavsarana of Lord Mallinathji. Special Information: In ancient times many Jain Temples and steps were constructed.Tirth Lodging Facilities:Rooms:- yesHall:- yesGuest House:- yesGround For Tent:-Mess:- yesStraight Root:- Muzaffarnagar, Meerut.Nearest City:-Meerut: 38km, Delhi: 110km, Muzaffarnagar: 55km

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Shri Digambar Jain Prachin Bada Mandir, Tirthkshetra Committee, Hastinapur, Uttar Pradesh (Kalyanak Kshetra)

City : Meerut


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